
Yesterday I got a real treat. There was a red fox hunting in the field next to our road. I stopped and whipped out my camera and he didn’t care at all. The fox was walking back and forth searching for food. When it hears something under the snow, it stops and tilts it’s head back and forth listening and zeroing in on the exact location, then it pops up and does a perfect dive into the snow feet up in the air. It took him a couple tries but he got what he was looking for a small rodent or bunny. Not so lucky for the little critter, but that is the circle of life. The red fox are really fun to watch, but they better stay away from my chickens!

Here are some of the many pics I took while watching the red fox.

Here is a little info about the Red Fox in Montana.

Habitat: Can survive in a wide range of habitats. Often associated with agricultural areas. Prefers mixture of forest and open country near water. They are found across the entire state of Montana.

Food: Opportunistic predator that sometimes eats carrion. Preys on small mammals, birds, eggs, game birds, ranch animals.

Habits: Red fox have keen senses of sight, hearing and smell which they use to their advantage in avoiding enemies, and hunting prey species.

Red fox are curious animals, indicating intelligence. However, their suspicious and shy nature compels them to avoid obvious dangers. They are playful, another indication of intelligence in animals. Some seem to enjoy being chased by dogs, and some red fox will make a game out of uncovering traps.

Fox are well equipped to hunt, and they commonly pounce in a stiff legged fashion upon unsuspecting voles, mice, and rabbits. Other important foods include fruits and berries, grasshoppers, snakes, ground nesting birds, and muskrats . Red fox can and do take domestic fowl when the opportunity presents itself, particularly during the spring when there is a need to provide food for growing litters.

Red fox do not chew their food, but usually swallow it whole. This accounts for the abundance of fur and crushed food bones found in fox droppings. They commonly kill more food that they can eat at one time, and bury the extra food in caches.

The red fox is territorial throughout most of the year, and the best territories are usually occupied by the more dominant fox. Under good habitat conditions most fox territories will be about 2 or 3 square miles, although, if hunting conditions are good, most fox will stay within a square mile daily, especially in mild weather. Coyotes persecute red fox. Coyotes dominate the better territories where the two species are both found. Red fox move when coyotes are present.

You can get more facts about the red fox here.

I hope you enjoyed my post. Be on the lookout for more interesting information about living in the backwoods of Montana along with great marketing tips and resources to help you make more money from home.

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What Does The Red Fox Say…Mmmm Tasty!

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2 thoughts on “What Does The Red Fox Say…Mmmm Tasty!

  • January 11, 2014 at 11:49 pm

    Sweet post! Pretty neat to read a little about foxes and learn somethin’ real quick!:) a nice view into spending some time studying about something and showing the initiative of using time well as to be able to work positively with the mind !

  • January 12, 2014 at 9:34 pm

    Fun and educational post Marlo! It was nice to take a few moments to learn a thing or two about red foxes in the great state of Montana. I enjoyed the story telling portion 😉


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