
We are originally from California. My family and I relocated to beautiful Montana a few years ago with the dream of living free. We love hunting, camping, fishing, hiking and everything outdoors. We also love everything that Montana represents–Beautiful landscapes, wide open spaces and FREEDOM!

We live in a cabin in the woods on a forest service road. We are striving to get rid of all our debt and be able to live our dreams of being financial independent working from home.

We know what it is like to cringe when the phone rings because it is another bill collector, to not be able to buy the things you need or want, do the things you want, to not be able to visit family for holidays or anytime because you don’t have the money. This is not living life, this is enduring and no one should have to live this way.

The last straw came with yet another Christmas that we could not afford to go and visit our family in California. Shortly after my husband’s mother, “Grandma Rosie”, passed away unexpectedly. It was a total shock and HUGE wake up call. You never know how many more Christmas’ or birthdays there will be. I decided right then, I’m not living like this any more. I’m going to find a way to create a freedom lifestyle where we DON’T have to say “we can’t afford that” or “we can’t do that”. It is time to start LIVING!

I got online and starting researching different home business opportunities. I tested different things and did a lot of training with some incredible mentors and top leaders in the industry. I am passionate about passing on what I have learned to others and helping as many people as I can to stop enduring and start LIVING…to create their dream life.

I would love to hear from you. Contact me and let’s talk about how I can help you.

Join us on our journey!


Our cabin in the woods
Our cabin in the woods

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