
follow a pilot carHere in Montana we have a saying, we have two seasons–winter and construction. Today, on my way over the pass I hit some of that summertime construction. I had to wait about 10 minutes and then we had to follow a pilot car for about 5 miles down the “hill”. Following a pilot car seems like such a simple concept. You follow the car in front of you in a single line–directly behind it. This way the car behind you can follow you and so on and so on. Otherwise, the cars in the back don’t know where they are supposed to be.

As you can see, they are chip sealing all 4 lanes (2 lanes in both directions) at the same time.  The car in front of me is in another “lane” to the right of the truck in front front of it. What the heck? That truck was like me trying to figure out where we were really supposed to be because the car in front of him was doing the same thing hanging out way to the right. What are these drivers thinking? If it was okay to drive anywhere, then they would not need the pilot cars. Looking as far ahead as I could, it seemed like we were supposed to be on the left side so I stayed over there. Sure enough around this corner there were three steam rollers side by side on the right side lanes. You should have seen these cars zoom over to the left real quick. Suddenly realize what all the  construction signs and pilot car are there for?

Honestly, this is why road the construction worker is such a dangerous job. Too many people out there do not pay attention and apparently have no common sense. All it takes is one, but on this trip, there were several in my view doing this.

I don’t know why these people were doing this, it was baffling to me. I find it hard to believe that someone wouldn’t understand the concept of a pilot car, are they rebelling? “I will not be told where to drive?” Are they distracted? I thought about this, but they drove like that pretty much the entire way. They would have to have never looked up and I just find that hard to believe. If it was just the individual involved it would not be so bad, but they are affecting others. The people behind them are relying on them to set the position so they know where they are supposed to be. The further  back you go in the line the more you don’t know where you are really supposed to be when people are not following correctly. Then there is the safety of the construction road workers.

That is my rant about people that don’t know how to follow a pilot car. It is a little bit scary knowing they are out there driving among society. It seems like such a basic concept, to follow the leader, so the person behind you can then follow you to know where to go. It makes you wonder how this issue affects other areas of their life. Would they have issues following the guidance of a mentor, for example.  I suppose you would need to know the reasons why each person chose not to follow the pilot car line and that is another topic. 🙂

If this is you and you truly did not  know this, I am so glad you found this page and I hope this helped you.

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Marlo Fullerton

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This Is NOT How To Follow A Pilot Car – Follow the Leader!

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